Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sculpture Trash FTW!

Making things out of random trash is pretty fun. Especially if this means you get to play with hot melting glue and stuffs. Being that I haven't been well lately I was somewhat unsure about what this assessment required so I just made it up. All's I knew was that we were to produce some form of sculpture from a found object. And since I seem to have a massive fascination with $2 shop rubber animals and strange creatures I decided to make a couple of inter-bred species. Unfortunately I had a lack of tools and time so they are no where near as polished as I would've liked but ya get the idea.
Making these creatures was ridiculously easy. I simply (roughly) measured the necks of the 4 animals, cut them to the right shape, pieced them together with various forms of glue and then painted them. Painting them was the bit that took the longest. That and trying to get the paintbrush that I superglued to my hand off.

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